Bishop Von Trapp is stocky with a solid body and is all
about business. Bishop weights 165 and stands 30 inches tall. He is the
don of Rajah Diamond Delta and Preacher McLaughlin. Bishop was the alpha
male of a litter of 6. He will be 3 years old in February. Bishop is owned
by Tyrone and Marjorie Ramos of Ramos Rottweilers. He is the product of
line breeding to preserve the Champion bloodline of Kursaal &
Sultan Haus Scmidgal. Bishops fathered 2 litters of puppies, 11 puppies
per litter. Bishop is very protective over his loved ones, a great watch
dog and a wonderful friend.
Stud service is now
Johnson's Incredible Hawk was born on 8/13/99 from Dam (Rajah Diamond-Delta Charles) and sire (Buster Suttle) from breeders: Tyrone R Ramos, Marjorie Charles Ramos and Douglas Suttle. He carries the markings of black and mahogany. He was purchased on September 21, 1999 by Frederick and Sherrie Johnson. He is currently 14 months old and weighs between 95-105 lbs. He has a compact muscular build and outstanding athletic ability. He is very protective of his domain and family members but also carries a gentle and playful manner. Obedience and loyalty is something he does very well.
Kovo's Pride was born 11/25/98. He stands at 30 inches and weights 135
lbs. Kovo is owned by Tyrone and Majorie Ramos of Ramos Rottweilers.
Kovo has fathered one litter so far of 10 beautiful puppies and has a litter
due the middle of February 2001. He is one of our four puppies in his litter
and he is also the alpha male. He is a very confident dog and has a muscular
build. His back ground is CH- Dack Von Nowaakrah is a German import, CH.
Challenge Von Dansor, CH Valiant Baar Holtsinger{CD} Ch. Srigo's Billet
Doux and several Sch titles 1,2,3 Ch. Bloodline and 2 Aus imports. Stud
service is available.
Profit is very proudly owned by the family of Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Watkins Sr. of Petersburg Va. Profit is loved by the entire family especially a 5 year old named Breana and a 6 year old named Steven. According to Breana, Profits is the baby of the family (Profit 110 lbs, Breana 58 lbs). Profits favorite activity is removing the air from all Stevens balls and returning them to him. Being read to by Breana while laying between 9 or 10 dolls babies.
Profit was acquired from: Baylor's Breeding Service, A registered breeder of quality, top of the line Rottweilers since 1995. All Dames and Studs are houses on Premises. Litters normally consist of 10 puppies, usually 5 males and 5 females. All pups receive first round shots and puppy kit which includes AKC registration papers, shot record, a basic training manual, starter puppy food and heart guard medication. Puppies receive some basic training prior to going to their new owners. If you are interested in requiring a puppy or learning more information about the breed, please contact the owner of Baylor's Breeding Service at (804) 342-9466 or you may email your inquiry to
Sorry Profit will not be available for studding
until May 2001 he is just a baby.
Then there
is Ramos's Omega Supreme {Que}. Que was born 8/17/99 in Prince George virginia.
This picture at the age of 5 months he weighted in at a whooping 85 pounds.
Stud service is availible.
Que stands 30 inches and weighs 150 lbs and is owned
by Tyrone and Marjorie Ramos of Ramos Rottweilers. Que has fathered a litter
of 10 healthy puppies. He is a very friendly dog and a loyal friend.
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